It was Henry Clay who was the primary sponsor of the tariff that was said to have provided protection and regulation on the goods in South Carolina such as cotton and wool. In addition, Henry Clay was a former United States senator wherein he served as the founder of the Whig Party.
The Populist Party was a third party created due to the discontent of farmers against the major political parties (Republican and Democratic parties) because of the Gold Standard issue, and because they felt ignored. This Party is often regarded as a failure because it focused on one issue (to increase the money supply) and tried to gain the support of farmers and workers, but the workers' wants and needs were different than those of the farmers, so the Populist Party didn't had all the support it needed to succeed and ended up being absorbed by the Progressive Party. Although the Populist Party didn't succeed, it helped creating awareness of the farmers conditions, so that the Republican and Democratic parties could also focus on that side of the population.
c. Communist Revolution in Russia.
- At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia was one of the most backward states of Europe.
- Although feudalism was formally abolished, it remained a semi-feudal state with a very strong emperor power.
- In addition to Turkey, the last of the great powers passed a constitution (1906), and reforms were difficult to implement. With this system, no one was happy.
- The material appropriations for the war made the position of the impoverished Russian people even more difficult. The food shortage, their smuggling and the massive casualties on the Eastern Front led to revolutions during 1917.
- The first was in February - the overthrow of the imperial system and the seduction of Parliamentarism, and the second in October, where civil Parliamentarism was overthrown and a new, socialist social order was established.
Owned land in asia (good for trading) thats a good one
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