The Aztecs tried to please their gods by offering human sacrifices. The Aztecs believed that these ritual blood sacrifices were necessary for staying alive and as repayment for the sacrifices the gods
The Aztecs built temples to honor their gods. Temples provided a place for the music of worship, a place for the private ceremony of personal bloodletting, and a place to conduct the many human sacrifices that the Aztecs believed were necessary to keep their gods happy. Some temples were huge structures.
1. ser= (he) es
2. ir= (we) vaís
3. jugar= (I) jugo
4. comer= (you) comes
5. esudiar= (you) esudias
ser= be; comer= to eat; jugar= to play; estar= to be; ir= to go; estudiar= to study
Answer:B They both have kitchens
Ok, if you are asking on how much it is,
Es Dos dolares. or en pesos, Es treintaiciete pesos.
or if you are asking like the adjetive, here are a few examples:
Es Bonito. or , Es feo. or, es asombroso!
if im wrong just tell me what i need to answer and i will tell you the answer in the comments below.
but i hope this is what you were looking for!