Roosevelt, Eisenhower, and Rolling Adjustment are all terms for "recession", otherwise known as economic downturns.
The Roosevelt recession relates to a time from mid-1937 to 1938 when the Great Depression economic recovery briefly halted, for a span of around 13 months. In 1958, the recession, also recognized as the Eisenhower Crisis, was a significant decline in the global economy. The recession's impact extended to Europe and Canada outside the boundaries of the United States, forcing several companies to close down.
When the downturn impacts only specific aspects of the economy at a period, is understood as rolling adjustment. The recession will 'roll' into another aspect of the economy as one sector joins reconstruction. All in all, it occur irrespective of national or state-wide economic contraction, and the consequences might not be on national economic steps, for an instance GDP.
The Chinese were humiliated by having to pay reparations and allow concessions to the Western powers that effectively denied them control over their own country.
They have a city parish form of government
The primary goal of the Secretary of State and the U.S. Department of State is to shape a freer, more secure, and more prosperous world through formulating and implementing the President's foreign policy, while supporting and protecting American interests abroad