The correct geographical features are:
- Second largest continent - Africa.
- Isthmus that connects Asia and Africa - Suez.
- Longest river in the world - Nile.
- Second largest lake in the world - Victoria.
- Largest desert in the world - Sahara.
- Dry area along the southern edge of Sahara - Sahel.
- Religion of the Sahara Nomads - Muslim.
- Two items traded by camel - Gold and salt.
- Trade city of the Sahara - Timbuktu.
- Country where the Kalahari - Botswana.
- African desert on the Tropic of Capricon - Kalahari.
<h3>What are some geographic features in Africa?</h3>
Africa is the second largest continent in the world and has features such as Lake Victoria which is the second largest lake in the World.
There is also the Sahara which is the largest desert. and the Kalahari desert in the Southern nation of Botswana.
Find out more on the Kalahari at
A limitation on the president’s power to appoint ambassadors is that the Senate must approve them.
The appointment of heads of departments, not being within the Constitution, has been controlled since the start of the government to come back below the supply as yet quoted, and to be subject to confirmation by the Senate. During early administrations, approval of President's cabinet appointments by the Senate was considered a basic formality.
Serving is important because it plays a critical role in not only supporting our rights as Americans, but continuing to serve and protect these rights for future US citizens of all race,color, sexuality and identity.
West Berlin was an island of the West, or the Western Curture, or Western sphrere of influence, surrounded by the Eastern Bloc/Western sphere of influence on all sides. It lied in the middle of East Germany, a socialist country, and did not have any direct land connection to other capitalist countries.