A. Public speaking skills
Unilinear evolution.
A nineteenth-century social theory, Unilinear evolution explained the evolution of societies and culture. The theory is based on the notion that believed that all elements of cultures and societies would go through the same series of predetermined stages of evolution. The evolutionary process was process move from a simple to complex form of culture.
Priming is the response an individual has towards a stimulus according to their previous exposure to it. It is basically a prime or stimulus that will directly affect individuals in a psychological experiment. In this case, the second group was exposed to every day activities, which they have already been exposed to and probably conform their daily routines, thus they react the same way the do to them every day, as mere routine. This is why the first group is more active, as they have been exposed to stimuli that is different than their prime, whereas the second group has not experienced anything "out of the ordinary."
It contributes nation's culture and economy.
Education is related to a nation's culture and economy because through this education, the culture of that nation can be taught to their next generation i.e. children. This education able the children to contribute in the economy of the country by making innovations in the existing technology and new inventions. The new technology can be used to make new products and sold in the international market in exchange of money which enhances the economy of the country. Japan has one of the world's best-educated populations with 100% enrollment in compulsory grades and zero illiteracy. Russia is so educated because of a strong literary tradition and a deep commitment to education, Russia had a highly educated population by the end of the 20th century. Egypt's constitution provides free and compulsory education for all children between the ages of 6 and 15 which increases literacy rate.