A good sense of humor can't cure all ailments, but data is mounting about the positive things laughter can do. A good laugh has great short-term effects. When you start to laugh, it doesn't just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body. Laughter can:
1. Stimulate many organs. Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain.
2. Activate and relieve your stress response. A rollicking laugh fires up and then cools down your stress response, and it can increase and then decrease your heart rate and blood pressure. The result? A good, relaxed feeling.
Overall, laughter is good for your health and being positive would lead to positive results.
Remember, Johnny came from a terrible household. His parents either beat him, or ignored him. If Johnny became crippled, he wouldn't be able to come and go from that house as he pleased, which means he has to stay in that home where he was hated and unwanted.
Here is the excerpt from the novel:
"Even if Johnny did live he'd
be crippled and never play football or help us out in a rumble again. He'd have to stay in
that house he hated, where he wasn't wanted, and things could never be like they used to
be. I didn't trust myself to speak. If I said one word, the hard knot in my throat would
swell and I'd be crying in spite of myself." (Hinton, 87).
Because Juliet is a religious teen, Shakespeare uses the word "sin."
I would say your answer is creating tension. the rest dont seem to work since refuting a counterclaim will make the argument weaker, but it will help the story, not bring it down. it obviously doesnt make the argument stonger, and the main purpose is for the audience to see both sides. so my answer would be creating tension. hope this helps