The answer is 3 heat and or presssure is applied
Los minerales son los componentes de los alimentos que mantienen las funciones energéticas, estructurales o reguladoras del organismo porque los minerales tienen nutrientes que nuestro cuerpo necesita para realizar funciones estructurales y reguladoras. Los minerales son muy importantes para la formación de enzimas y hormonas en nuestro cuerpo. Nuestro cuerpo necesita algunos minerales en grandes cantidades, mientras que otros en menor cantidad. Ejemplos de minerales son magnesio, hierro, zinc, yodo, cromo, cobre, fluoruro, calcio, fósforo, potasio, sodio, cloruro, molibdeno, manganeso y selenio.
Answered below
Water is essential for the normal functioning of the organ systems in the body. Dehydration occurs when the water we take in is less than the water we lose. Water is lost fr the body through sweating, breathing, urination and defecation. Disease conditions like diarrhea and vomiting also cause loss of water.
When the body senses dehydration, there is a thirst signal to tell us to drink more water. The body then proceeds to the water leaving through the kidneys thereby conserving water in the body. This explains the concentrated and colored urine during dehydration.
Circulation to the skin and muscles is decreased, leading to dry and clammy skin, muscle cramps, dry eyes etc
The body increases the heart rate and pumps blood to the vital organs such as the brain, lungs, heart and intestines.
Yes Because without reproduction the species will eventually die off