Nonmetals take electrons from the metals they are attracted to in order to become stable.
A food chain can usually sustain no more than six energy transfers before all the energy is used up. And so less energy is transferred at each level of the food chain so the biomass gets smaller.
Harm to downstream fisheries, due to sedimentation of waterways from increased soil erosion.
Deforestation is the reduction of forest area in a given territory, both because of nature or man-made causes. It results in the loss of habitats for many animal and plant species, the destruction of natural peoples' habitats and livelihoods, and increases soil erosion and large floods in valleys. Often, a previously forested area becomes waste land.
The deeper the water the less sunlight therefore there is a lower temperature.
For example, the temperature of the ocean water varies with depth. Sunlight is reflected in the upper surface or rapidly absorbed with depth. Cold water is denser and heavier than warm water that is why the deeper you descend the. Older it gets.