The Congress has two bodies one is the house of Senate and The other is the House of representatives both have unique yet equal roles in the body.
There are both advantages and disadvantages of having two houses in body advantages being:-
The bill and revenues that are to be passed can be double checked by the members of the two houses so it is less likely that there are mistakes or flaws in the bills passed.
when the disadvantage is:-
Even a Bill meant for a good cause has to go through both the houses and chances clashes increases and when the houses are opposing it is hard for such bills to be passed.
Third Round Table Conference
So to solve the problem in 1932, the final round of discussion started. Lord Irwin was replaced by Lord Wellington who was not ready to listen to the people and wanted everyone to follow whatever he says. Jinnah was not even invited. Before the conference Ramsay McDonald announced the Communal Award which was surely a huge mistake in its own. It declared Muslim majority in Hindu majority areas while Muslim minority in Muslim majority areas.
The Congress clearly was outraged and boycotted it. the Muslims however were weak and at least it was giving them something so they accepted.These reasons were behind its failure
The answer should be out of the ones on the abc list so the answer you need to choose is d
Legislatures have been decided by identity politics which has gained prominence in latest years.
Descriptive representation is first of all a symbol of identity politics in legislature which has now become increasingly common as the people have begun to question the legitimacy of the participant democracy of representatives.
Descriptive representation is the idea that a group must elect and individual who would be like them and have their experiences in their life to represent them in legislature.
Of course, this does not mean that the person would be an ideal candidate.
The correct answer is to benefit colonial peoples
To benefit colonial is the right answer because Kipling was someone who proclaimed the idea that European colonial powers are taking on their back the obligation to illuminate Native people of the colonies. They are actually sacrificing according to Kipling, so they could help them evolve.
That is why other options are false.
Europeans have no benefit. They are "helping."