9 miles from east to west
Indian economic growth has been in a free fall for three years now, and GDP contracted a whopping 23.9% in the April-June quarter, the first time in four decades. Fitch and Goldman Sachs foresee a double digit collapse of India’s GDP growth for the whole year. The government appears unable to manage the complex Indian economy. As things stand today, India’s dream of becoming a $5 trillion economy by 2024 now looks distant, if not unachievable.
Creativity can help brands to create a following, as well as promote their products. ... It turns out that many people believe that a brand is high-quality and worth their attention, simply because they're impressed by the effort that went into producing such a creative advertisement.
The advertisement is necessary to aware people about commercial and for availing profit. The media in the form of newspaper, news channel and radio utilizes the opportunity to advertise the products. The media obtains huge profit for advertisement of products. The media obtains the support for their telecasts.
The purpose was for Hammurabi (sometimes written "Hammurapi") to set down a reasonable and unchanging set of laws that addressed common problems in his kingdom. The code was especially important because, up until that time in history, there really were not any wide-spread laws that unified such a large group of people.
Before this, justice in many places would have been in the vigilante style, i.e. if someone in your small village steals your cow, it's most likely up to you and your family to go find it and then punish the perpetrator. The punishment for stealing might have been being lashed with a whip, for example, in one town and yet five miles away in another town the punishment was having a hand cut off. Under the code, everyone was eligible for the same punishments and fines no matter where they went. With one law from the king on down, there was less risk of being hanged or stoned for something relatively minor, or starting a never-ending feud between families over a disputed punishment