Yes, is should work
USB is widely adopted and supports both forward and backward compatibility. The USB 3.0 printer should work with the USB 2.0 computer. However, having a connection like this, the printer will only be able to work at the speeds of the computer’s USB 2.0. By default, USB is built to allow transfer speeds improvement with upgrades from previous generations while still maintaining compatibility between devices that are supported by them.
public class Class {
private String name ="";
private int score = 0;
//Method SetName
public void setName(String newName){
name = newName;
//Method SetScore
public void setScore(int newScore){
score = newScore;
//Method GetName
public String getName() {
return name;
//Method GetScore
public int getScore() {
return score;
- The class called Class is implemented in Java programming language
- It has two fields (instance variables name and score)
- Methods for setting the values of variables (mutator methods) or setters
- Methods for getting the values of the variables (accessor methods) getters
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int cookies;
cin >> cookies;
cout << "The calorie consumption is: " << cookies * 142 << endl;
return 0;
First line: include basic library of C++(input and output).
using namespace std;
Says to compiler we are using std.
int main() Main function
int cookies, cookies variable, of int type
cin >> cookies
get the number of the cookies from user
cout Print the text and calories(one cookie have 142 calories)
Have a nice day ;)
Answer: The computer does not meet minimum requirements of the software program because too much energy gets put in it
Good luck