Synergy pertains to the performance gains that result when individual and departments coordinate their actions.
Well, younger teens and children have a more rapid growth while young and older adults have a more steady approach. Young adults produce more children.
Gregor Mendel found out that treats depends on inherited factors. Also, he study science and math. He then study inheritance of treats and beginning to experiment. So, then he discover that traits depend on inherited factors while he experiment with peas. He had a garden to test with pea plants.
e) Invertebrates lack a nervous system
One of the main characteristics of invertebrates is that they don't have a backbone. Backbones belong to the skeletal system. A totally different story is the nervous system which runs inside the backbone. Although the more complex nervous systems appear in vertebrates the simply fact of having eyes like crabs or insects implies having a nervous system that can control them.
Because it is cheaper to prevent an illness than to treat an illness
-Health Maintenance Organization(HMO) plans offer a wide range of healthcare services through a network of providers who agree to supply services to members.
-According to HMOs it is better to prevent disease rather than to try to find cures for diseases after they occur, therefore they encourage healthy lifestyle practices.
-Prevention typically consists of methods or activities that seek to reduce or deter specific or predictable problems, protect the current state of well-being, or promote desired outcomes or behaviors.