Answer: The viral nucleic acid is most likely Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Unlike ribonucleic acid (RNA) where uracil can be found, thymine alongside adenine, cytosine and guanine are only found in DNA.
Thus, the presence of 10% thymine in the newly discovered virus makes its analyzed nucleic acid to be deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Fight or flight response.
Fight or flight response is also known as hyper arousal response. This response is mainly generated in case of attack and harmful event.
Jade hears a rattle sound and sees a rattle snake as she turns turns around, this is a type of harmful event or fear for Jake. This condition causes the dilation of pupil, sweat and heart pounds in Jade's body. The fight and flight response has been generated in Jade's.
Catabolic reactions are exergonic.
Exothermic reactions are catabolic, that is, they catalyze molecules, disintegrate them to be able to release energy to the environment that surrounds them and that is how they release or yield to the environment.
A blizzard can form when warm air combines with a high pressure system.
A high pressure zone is defined by cold air mass that has higher density than surrounding air mass. Therefore when a warm air current blows towards the high pressure system, the warm air mass rises over the cold air mass of the high pressure system.
The warm air begins to cool at the front between the cold air mass and warm air mass. Usually for a blizzard to occur the cold air mass is usually below freezing point temperatures. Therefore the moisture in the warm air cools and freezes into snowflakes. This is why the winds of a blizzard are accompanied by snowflakes akin to a winter storm.
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If a person skipped lunch is could cause a low blood sugar
level and this will likely affect the liver cells in having it to react in
which glycogenolysis occurs. This process in the liver cells is a way of
breaking down glycogen in a way to fuel the body as it turns into glucose.