Imagine that you are seven years old. You are participating in an experiment. A
researcher greets you and shows you into a small room. In the room there is a
marshmallow. The marshmallow is for you, but here is the interesting part: The
researcher tells you that he is going to leave you alone in the room for a while. You can
eat the marshmallow right away, or you can wait until he gets back. If you wait until he
gets back, you will get a second marshmallow.
The correct answer is B. Through the words "such a success with a single book", it suggests that García Marquez was succesful thanks to a singles novel, unlike other recipients or possible candidates to the Nobel prize in literature. The excerpt suggests that Garcia Marquez's award has decreased the chance of other writers who are not as proficient as him, to get the award. As the option states, nobel prize winners usually publish more than one sucessful book, that is they have a long and sucessful career. So, a writer who win the award because lf just one book sets the standard too high for future Nobel prize winners
An expanded definition is an important writing tool you will need if you are writing for a person who is not an expert or specialist in a particular subject. An expanded definition explains a complex or unfamiliar term to make it easier to understand which is important to effective communication. An extended definition may explain the word's etymology or historical roots, describe sensory characteristics of something (how it looks, feels, sounds, tastes, smells). It also may identify its parts, indicate how something is used, or even explain what it is not. It may provide an example of it, and/or note similarities or differences between words or things.
5 Sentences :)