The declination of the Sun changes from 23.5o North to 23.5o South and back again after course of a year.
1. All living things are composed of cells.
2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function for living things.
3. All cells come from pre-existing cells.
A Multi-Celled organism has many cells (more than one). Examples would be plants, humans and animals/mammals.
A Single-Celled organism only has one cell that makes up it's entire self. Examples would be bacteria and archaea.
The powerhouse of the cell: That is a term used to describe the MITOCHONDRIA, because its main function it to produce energy for cellular activities.
Mitochondria is the host of cellular respiration. This is where the Mitochondria take in glucose and oxygen to produce energy and is distributed all throughout the body as energy-rich molecules of ATP.
These would be the elements in row 2 the alkaline metals. Elements in a row usually share many qualities such as electon reactivity as well as similar characteristics like the fact that many alkaline metals are considered Cations, ions with positive charges. Some examples are beryllium and calcium.