b. giving birth to live young (viviparous)
Monotremes include duck-billed platypus and few other mammalian species that are oviparous. These mammalian species do not give birth to young ones, that is, they are not viviparous. Rather they lay eggs and are oviparous.
These species are also characterized by the absence of teeth. The primitive monotremes also exhibit external fertilization.
Examples of egg-laying mammals include anteaters or echidnas and the duck-billed platypus. The laid eggs are carried by females in an abdominal ouch to keep them warm.
This means that balls with a diamenter of 2.25 inches cannot have any imperfections (bumps or dents) greater than 0.005 inches. In other words, the bump or dent to diameter ratio cannot exceed 0.005/2.25 = 0.0022222
In order to draw a conclusion he needed to do an experiment based on his hypothesis first, then be able to conclude from his results if these breeds can real survive the cold weather.
....meiosis.., however, I'm not sure that the zygote goes through division. After the two gametes intercept and FORM the zygote, I'm pretty sure the zygote doesn't deconstuct from a dipliod back into a hapliod
I think it's the last two
Temperature and the amount of water