Las funciones digestivas de la saliva incluyen humedecer los alimentos y ayudar a crear un bolo alimenticio, para que se pueda tragar fácilmente. La saliva contiene la enzima amilasa que descompone algunos almidones en maltosa y dextrina. Por lo tanto, la digestión de los alimentos ocurre dentro de la boca, incluso antes de que los alimentos lleguen al estómago.
The answer is:
For the farmers own needs
The answer is photosynthesis.
occurs in the leaves of green plants. During photosynthesis, carbon
dioxide and water are converted into using the energy of
sunlight to glucose and oxygen. After great evolution of plants, the photosynthetic rate was increased. More plants mean more oxygen produced in the process of photosynthesis. Thus, photosynthesis </span><span> is most responsible for the increase in early Earth’s atmospheric oxygen levels.</span>
The tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.