to restore or improve something
Judy marries a business man from Detroit and Dexter makes tons of dough by investing a chain of high-end laundries.
The purpose of the reporters formula to let the reporter make sure that a story is thoroughly told. The reporters formula is set of questions , which when answered will help the reporter to compose quality content . The questions are: Who is the central figure(s) in the story
?, What took place?
, When did it happen?
, Where did it take place?
, Why did it occur?
, How did it happen?.
No, the sentence given:
"<span>i came home late; therefore, i didnt see aunt matildia" — is NOT punctuated correctly.
The word: "didnt" should be replaced with: "didn't" (note the added "apostrophe")—or rewritten as two word: "did not".
Furthermore, there should be a "period" at the end of the sentence.
As far as other grammar errors are concerned, the second instance of the use of the personal pronoun, "I"—is incorrectly written in the lower case: "i"—and should be replaced with the capital letter, "I". Furthermore, "</span>aunt matildia" should be rewritten with a capital letter "A" replacing the word: "aunt" [the word: "aunt" should be changed to "Aunt"], and the name: "matildia" should be rewritten with a capital "M" replacing the name: "matildia" [the name "matildia" should be replaced with "Matildia"]. Also, if "Aunt Matildia" is, in fact, really spelled that way, than the spelling of the name should be retained. On the other hand, if the aunt's name is actually spelled: "Mathilda"—or some variant, then the proper spelling should be used—and the first letter should be capitalized.
--Edit--- your question should read as follows: "Is this sentence punctuated correctly?"
In McCain's words from the book's introduction: It is your character, and your character alone, that will make your life happy or unhappy. That is all that really passes for destiny. And you choose it. No one else can give it to you or deny it to you.