Intermediate, or tertiary, colors are made by mixing a primary color with a secondary color that is next to it. Red-orange, yellow-orange and yellow-green are some intermediate colors. TRY IT! Making a color wheel is a good way to understand how colors work.
It would be <em>nighthawk</em> by Edward Hopper
1. When it is annoying and not enjoyable
2. When there is rhythm and a nice flow to the notes
3. Just an irritating sound or I try defining what the noise seems like some examples smash, screaming, etc
Answer: rectative, aria, ground bass and triple.
The rhythm of the RECITATIVE is free, and the rhythm of the ARIA is more regular. The harmony of the aria is based on a chromatic GROUND BASS that descends by half step. The slow and melancholy TRIPLE meter expresses in the aria Dido's lamentation at Aeneas's departure.
Ok! That's right? til too right, it not allowing me to type what I want