During translation, the ribosome reads 3 letters at a time on the mRNA strand called a codon. The anticodons, which are connected to the amino acid, match up with the letters on the mRNA strand
A field study is a general method for collecting data about users, user needs, and product requirements that involves observation and interviewing. Data are collected about task flows, inefficiencies, and the organizational and physical environments of users.
The lands which are lef unuse after it is affected by environmental contamination.
- Brownfields are abandoned or unused fields where reuse is hindered by real or observed environmental contamination. The places may include localities destroyed by hazardous materials, petroleum or mine-scarred land.
- Brownfields are found in a city or town's manufacturing section, on areas with discontinued factories or industrial buildings, or other earlier contaminating operations like steel millhouses, refineries or landfills. It is mainly found in urban cities where there is normally a stronger potential to redevelop these localities.
- Some of the most frequent contaminants known at Brownfield sites are from fuels such as grease, propellant, diesel and kerosene from subterrene storage tanks, floor drains, External storage of barrels and machine, and cleaning solvents.
See the answer below
Anthers release pollen, which lands on the stigma of another flower of the same species. The pollen grain produces a pollen tube that grows down the style, to the ovary, and into the ovule. The sperm cell fertilizes the egg cell. The ovule develops into the seed, and the ovary becomes the fruit.
<em>During fertilization in plants, the anther which carries pollen releases pollen grains. Once the pollen lands on the stigma of a flower of the same species, it germinates. The pollen grain produces a pollen tube that grows through the style of the stigma down to the ovary and into the ovule. One of the sperm cells fuses with the egg cell of the ovule to form the zygote while the other sperm cell fuses with the polar nuclei to form the endosperm in a process known as double fertilization. After fertilization, the fertilized ovule becomes the seed and the ovary becomes the fruit. </em>