New scientific knowledge help the building of the Panama canal because there was a decrease of workers getting sick of malaria and yellow fever. It was Colonel Gorgas, the Chief Medical Officer, who have read about discoveries linking mosquitoes and malaria. Due to these readings, he succeed in eradicating the cause of the disease therefore a decrease in people getting sick.
John Locke stated "People will do the right thing as a group."
Indentured servitude refers to a contract between two individuals, in which one person worked not for money but in exchange for the price of passage to America.
By establishing in Marbury v. Madison the Supreme Court as the final interpreter of the Constitution, Marshall's Court established the Supreme Court's ability to overrule Congress, the president, state governments, and lower courts.
One way that politics/society is different today as in 1939 is that in 1939 voting wasnt the same for some people, but today everyone has rights to vote. One way that is the same is that males have been president since 1939- today.