C. The South and the Southwest
The South and Southwest regions of the USA are considered part of the Sunbelt.
The famous doctor that developed the 'suicide machine' in the 1990's is Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a pathologist and an advocate of voluntary euthanasia. He connected to the machine a women that was suffering from Alzheimer's disease and was watching her while she pushed the button and ended her life. He was convicted for first degree murder for this act.
Travel by water was quicker and better for long distance. However boats need to be built and are bulky. Travel by land is stealthier. Both have safety risks. Storms and jagged rock play a risk in water transportation. Land transportation can also be more exhausting, and more suspect to pillaging.
11. D, 12. 3, 13. D, 14. C
É isso que você estava perguntando?
Condução: O aquecimento de uma colher de ferro quando sua extremidade é colocada em uma chama acesa.
Convecção: O vento que sopra do mar para a terra durante o dia.
Radiação: O aquecimento do corpo humano quando você está na praia ao sol.
Radiação: Aqueça os alimentos no microondas.