The evolution of women in the workforce of the United States was characterized by the social, economic, and political conditions of the time.
Factory owners of the 1820's expected more income by hiring women to work because they were deemed manageable and ready to work for less money so they were the ideal candidates. The period of crisis and war such as Civil War, and the two World Wars created greater scope for women's participation in industries because of the lack of men available. However, the second half of the twentieth century witnessed more reforms in their working conditions and pay scale.
В любом другом месте есть несколько приполярных звезд, а также некоторые звезды, которые восходят и заходят ежедневно. Чем ближе вы находитесь к Северному или Южному полюсу, тем больше круг циркумполярных звезд и чем ближе вы к экватору, тем меньше.
В Северном полушарии все звезды на небе совершают полный оборот вокруг северного полюса мира один раз в день, а точнее, совершают полный оборот каждые 23 часа 56 минут. А из Южного полушария все звезды на небе совершают полный оборот вокруг южного полюса мира за 23 часа 56 минут.
Answer:he Cross of Gold speech was delivered by William Jennings Bryan, a former United States Representative from Nebraska, at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on July 9, 1896. In the address, Bryan supported bimetallism or "free silver", which he believed would bring the nation prosperity.
the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States launched an international war on terrorism defined by military intervention, nation building, and efforts to reshape the politics of the Middle East. As of 2017, however, it has become clear that the American strategy has destabilized the Middle East while doing little to protect the United States from terrorism.
After 15 years of considerable strategic consistency during the presidencies of George Bush and Barack Obama, Donald Trump now takes the reins having promised to “bomb the sh—” out of ISIS and “defeat them fast.” At the same time, however, Trump broke sharply in his campaign rhetoric from Republican orthodoxy on Iraq and Afghanistan. Whatever President Trump decides to do, an evaluation of the War on Terror should inform his policies.
We argue that the War on Terror failed. This failure has two fundamental—and related—sources. The first is the inflated assessment of the terror threat facing the United States, which led to an expansive counterterrorism campaign that did not protect Americans from terrorist attacks. The second source of failure is the adoption of an aggressive strategy of military intervention.
The lessons from the War on Terror indicate that it is time for the United States to take a different approach. Policymakers need to acknowledge that although terrorism is a serious concern, it represents only a modest security threat to the American homeland. Further, the United States should abandon the use of military intervention and nation building in the War on Terror. Instead, the United States should push regional partners to confront terrorist groups abroad, while the U.S. returns to an emphasis on the intelligence and law enforcement paradigm for combating the threat against the American homeland.
Mathematics, mostly.
They also did groundbreaking work in the following fields: