Passive security attack are the unauthorized disclosure in the network attack. In this type of security attack a system are use for monitoring and sometimes scanning the open port. It basically include the monitoring the unprotected data and traffic analysis.
On the other hand, active security system modify the transmitted data and gain the unauthorized access from the computer system.
This type of security attack basically monitor the file transfer and electronic mail from the attacks which can be pass in the form of viruses in the computer system.
To invoke a method, simply call the name of the method, followed by it's arguments in parenthesis. i.e methodname(argument).
In this case, the name of the method is sendObject and it's argument is a Customer object stored in or referenced by a variable John_Doe.
The above is true since the method is defined in the same class that calls it. Otherwise, it is not valid.
In computer science, a 2–3 tree is a tree data structure, where every node with children (internal node) has either two children (2-node) and one data element or three children (3-nodes) and two data elements. According to Knuth, "a B-tree of order 3 is a 2-3 tree."
SSL <span>stands for Secure Sockets Layer and TLS stands for </span>its<span> successor Transport Layer </span>Security. They are protocols responsible for encryption and authentication and are application-layer protocols. SSL/TLS provides security all the way between the sender and the receiver, which means also between the sender and his or her e-mail server . Correct answer: c. both a and b.
minimal is the correct answer
In one condition, participants are required simultaneously to monitor the screen for the appearance of a particular digit. Whether participants must watch for a digit is a minimal variable in this experiment.