<em>Demography: the investigation of the attributes of human populaces. </em>
<em>Demography: the investigation of the attributes of human populaces. </em><em>Age</em><em>,</em> race, sex, different models incorporate where individuals live, where individuals are going,<em> where individuals are conceived, where individuals pass on. </em>
Check is a flat out number of a populace or statistic occasion <em>happening in a predefined time and spot</em>. - essential enrollment frameworks, authoritative records, a few nations don't have these records, <em>so you should locate an alternate method to get information for example a yearly study.</em>
Answer: Pastoral nomads
Explanation: Pastoral nomads are producers of food, and the size of their tribal or ethnic units increases accordingly. These groups raise livestock, and they move about within their established territory to find good pastures for their animals.
San Andreas fault is a transform fault- it means that the two plates are not getting closer and converging or getting away from each other and diverging but rather moving in different directions - the American part is moving South and the Pacific part is moving North.
Correct answer is b- Permanent population
Option A is not correct as every state needs to have a defined territory, which is established in a certain period.
B is correct as population of country changes due to different reasons, including for example the migrations.
C is not correct as every country has its leadership. For example, if it is a monarchy, it has a unique monarch (king).
D is also correct as every country has its official language.
Portugal ⇒ Ruled east of the line of demarcation
After the New World was rediscovered by the European powers and saw competition between the Spanish and the Portuguese, Pope Alexander VI came up with a Line of Demarcation to divide the New World. Portugal was to rule over every land east of the line which is why they colonized Brazil.
Russia ⇒ Controlled what is Alaska today.
Russia controlled what is Alaska today but then decided to sell it to the United States rather than risking the British taking it by forced and adding it to Canada.
Britain ⇒ Controlled the area of today's eastern United States.
Britain ruled the eastern part of today's United States and it was here that they established the colonies that became the first states of the United States of America when these colonies defeated the British in the American Revolution.
Spain ⇒ Ruled west of the land of demarcation
As explained above, Pope Alexander VI came up with a Line of Demarcation. This allowed Spain to rule lands west of this line such that they gained colonies such as Mexico and countries to the west of South America.