A preference will be used if wanted to set a default wallpaper background for all machines in your company, but still wanted users to be able to set their own wallpaper.
More about a wallpaper:
A wallpaper, also known as a desktop background, is an image that appears when the user's desktop is visible behind the graphical user interface. It is the image, color, or pattern that appears on your computer's main OS screen when it first boots up.
It's simple to change the desktop backdrop on Windows. Depending on whether the image is open right now, there are two approaches.
Right-click or tap-and-hold the image while it is open, then select Set as > Backdrop. Alternatively, in earlier versions of Windows, you may also select Set as > Set as background or Set as desktop background.
Learn more about wallpaper here:
The 'IF' function is a conditional function in excel which states a condition that gives a particular value if true or another value if false.
Here, The condition is if the value in cell A1 is greater than 100(true) , then cell B2 should show 'bazinga'. If the value is below 100(false), then cell B2 will show 'zippo'. In this case, value in A1 is 425 which is more than 100, so the condition is true and cell 2 will show 'bazinga'.
"when?" and "how?";
"who?" and "why?"
In simple words, science refers to the study of conclusions that are made by expert individuals in their respective field by conducting experiments taking into consideration certain assumptions. Thus, science gives the reason how something works with some hard core proof.
On the other hand, religion can be defined as the study of beliefs, that came into existence from cultural and tradition norms. Religion highly affects the personality of an individual and shape its beliefs about the world. It offers answers which cannot be scientifically proven but are important to answer for a healthy and civilized society.