If I'm correct 158 and S are supplementary angles, meaning that they both must add up to 180, so to find the answer subtract 158 from 180
180 - 158 = 22
S = 22
Step-by-step explanation:
Square Root of 8 to the nearest tenth, means to calculate the square root of 8 where the answer should only have one number after the decimal point.
Here are step-by-step instructions for how to get the square root of 8 to the nearest tenth:
Step 1: Calculate
We calculate the square root of 8 to be:
√8 = 2.82842712474619
Step 2: Reduce
Reduce the tail of the answer above to two numbers after the decimal point:
Step 3: Round
Round 2.82 so you only have one digit after the decimal point to get the answer:
To check that the answer is correct, use your calculator to confirm that 2.82 is about 8.
Question 11 - B
Question 12 - C
Step-by-step explanation:
11). 4 chairs per table --> B
12). The 24 pack is a better buy (C).
- 12 pack - 0.3333 per can
- 24 pack - 0.3125 per can <-- cheaper