
Step-by-step explanation:
Ciao, come stai?
1) Per prima cosa, dobbiamo trovare la misura della base più grande. Scomponendo la figura possiamo visualizzare un triangolo e un quadrato. Ci sono somiglianze con gli angoli. Quindi è un triangolo rettangolo. Applichiamo il teorema di Pitagora:
2) Perimetro:

3) L' area
Your number would be 10 and the exponet would be 6
A topic is just a general thing you discuss, with no true moral ending you take away from it. A theme, on the other hand, wants to communicate a life lesson.
Hopefully, this helps! =)
Flip a coin twenty five times, the purpose of this is to show that theoretical and experimental do not always overlap.
Theoretically, it should be a fifty-fifty chance.
In the experiment because you do it a odd amount of times, 25, each flip will be worth a four percent chance.
You would not be able to make a fifty fifty chance with that amount of flips.
Also here:
1.) 13 Heads, 12 tails
2.) 48% chance for the coin to land on tails, 52% chance for the coin to land on heads.
3.) The theoretical probability of a coin landing on heads is 50% of the time that the coin is flipped. This is because there are two possibilities with an equal likelihood of happening
4) The theoretical probability and experimental probability are different as theoretically there would be an equal likelihood or probability and in the experiement, there was a higher probability for the coin to land on heads.
Step-by-step explanation: