Pay-per-click is an internet advertising model used to drive traffic to websites, in which an advertiser pays a publisher when the ad is clicked. Pay-per-click is commonly associated with first-tier search engines.
The equilibrium price falls and quantity increases
When the supply of food rises without a corresponding increase in demand , there would be an excess supply.
When there's excess supply, prices fall and the quantity produced rises.
I hope my answer helps you
Honestly, business would be much better for you. Learning business will give you many more opportunities and learn how to sell your products. Business will help you with marketing, pricing, discounting, and know how to "not get effed over." I believe that would be much better for you THEN go to fashion college.
The correct answer is option a.
Unfavorable weather in the orange groves of California will adversely affect the production of oranges. This will cause a reduction in the supply of oranges. As a result, the price of oranges will decline.
Now, these oranges are used as input in making orange juice. The increase in input price will lead to an increase in the cost of production. This will further lead to a decrease in the supply of orange juice. Consequently, the equilibrium price of orange juice will increase.
C) high need for achievement
McClelland's Theory of Needs states that all individuals have three basic motivators:
- Achievement: you need to establish and accomplish challenging goals, you like to take calculated risks, like to work alone, although you occasionally enjoy when others recognize your achievements.
- Affiliation: you need to belong to a group, and you need them to like you.
- Power: you need to control and influence other people, you like to win arguments, and you enjoy competing and receiving the status of a winner.