slave revolts!
Slave owners lived in constant fear of slave revolts, and justly so. The average holding varied between four and six slaves, and at the peak of slavery in the US slaves occupied more than 20% of the population. If slaves were to get fed up with their horrible situation they might be able to overpower their masters and begin freeing slaves from other plantations. These fears were further amplified by the Hattian Rebellion in 1791 in which the local slaves brutally killed 75,000 French citizens, gaining their freedom in the process. Many in the United States feared that a similar situation would unfold if their slaves rebelled en masse.
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Search-and-destroy missions in Vietnam were largely unsuccessful. This is because new and larger reinforcements of Viet-Kongs moved in as soon as American forces departed. As such, these missions did not stem the flow of refugees.
the buying and selling of indulgences.
The Sermon of Pope Urban II at Clermont and the Ibn al-Zaki’s account of A Khutba on the Recovery of Jerusalem are very much alike. The first one, pronounced in 1095, was a call for all the great lords and knights of Christianity, especially those in the Council of Clermont, French and German, to recover the sacred land of Jerusalem from the hands of the heathens, the Muslims. The Pope encouraged them to leave everything behind to engage in this sacred war, a war ordered by God, and promised the fighters forgiveness of all their sins. This became the first Crusade.
On the other hand, the account on the recovery of Jerusalem was given on 1187, after the Muslims recovered Jerusalem from the hands of the Christians. It's a congratulation to those who fought in that holy war, ordered by God, and a call to keep fighting to erase all trace of the heresy brought by the Christians. So, all in all, both speeches were given by a high authority in both religions, they both claimed to be the real one and viewed the other as a fake, saw the fight for Jerusalem as a holy one.