Totalizing or totalitarian
The regime of Nuasia is a totalitarian regime. It is not only a dictatorship that has concentrated all branches of government, but it is also totalitarian because it wants to model its citizens after the dominant ideology.
Every single aspect of citizen life is controlled by the government: in education, only materials compatible with the regime's ideology are taught, in political rights, only people who belong to the controlling party can have a political life.
This type of regime is similar to Hitler's Germany, or the current Juche regime in North Korea.
Each year 100 million people in the U.S. donate an estimated three hours per week to help a charitable cause. That works out to about 7.5 million full-time volunteers that help a good cause.
Technology caused the Industrial revolution because the main point of the IR was the fact that the US became more modernized and were able to produce more for less. In the industrial revolution, both were achieved with the use of mass-production, which made most of the mass-produced products more affordable for more people, and so the sellers sold more.
the Industrial revolution affects our society today, because without the sudden invention of many things (cars, typewriters, railroads) we wouldn't be a world power as we are today. Also, without the IR, we may have lost more wars throughout the years then we actually did
hope this helps
Answer number 2 is the correct answwr
I see it in my book