There are many disadvantages of exclusion in societies. One disadvantage is that social exclusion creates parallel sub-societies and sub-cultures within a society, that threaten the social order of a particular area.
Another disadvantage, related with the first, is that exclusion leads to little dialogue among different social groups. This can greatly increased social conflict, political extremism and radicalization, and in extreme cases, as history has shown many times, could lead to civil war.
he should take a break and don't review too hard or else it will result in forgetting everything he'd learned the past day.
D. organizing the books
Compulsion: The term compulsion refers to the repetitive behavior carried out by an individual to avoid or ignore distressing situations. An individual usually perform compulsion to get rid of the obsession leading situations.
Example: washing hands & checking a locked door repeatedly, and rearranging or arranging items in a particular order.
Treatment: Psychotherapy including exposure and response prevention, cognitive behavioral therapy, etc.
<span>A circuit involving the insula, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the: Amygdala
</span><span>seems to play a role in complex social decision making, such as deciding whom to trust. Amygdala is the part of our brain that controls the emotion fear. Our decision to trust a person or not is based on the fear to be betrayed and endanger everyone that we love.</span>