Human activities have been significantly known to have affected the physical environment around us. A mountain is one of the several physical features that abound on our planet earth. They are topographic features with great elevations above surrounding areas.
Some of the human activities that can level mountains are:
Mining activities: In our drive to make society better and to improve standard of living, minerals held-bound in rocks are explored for their benefits. The process involves large scale earth moving activities by which important ores can be removed. Most of them often lead to the leveling of mountains.
Construction works: Government can decide to build a railroad or highway through a mountainous region, this often leads to earthmoving and blasting of impeding obstructions. Most of the obstructions are usually mountains.
Intense mechanized farming: terrace farming along mountains slope can increase the rate of weathering if not properly managed. This often wears off a mountain gradually. After several years, a towering peak might have been reduced to a level ground.