The Dred Scott decision ruled that Scott was still a slave, and therefore, and no right to file suit in a United States court as he was not a citizen and did not have the rights of such.
In the court case Dred Scott vs. Stanford.
Boxer Rebellion. 2 the sepoy mutiny in India and the boxer rebellion in China were responses to 1.
10th amendment of the Bill of Rights dealt with limitations of power of federal government while the other amendments deal with liberties and freedom granted to citzens.
The Cold War<span> Home Front: </span>McCarthyism. are the investigation into the leftist influence of the motion picture industry by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), and investigations conducted by SenatorMcCarthy's<span> Senate sub-committee, culminating in 1954 with hearings about subversion within the Army.</span>