Pessoas que andam descalças infectadas com uma doença chamada Esquistossomose que as tornam fracas e anêmicas. Essa doença ocorre devido ao contato físico das pessoas com a água doce contaminada em que o parasita está presente. Quando as pessoas que andam descalças entram em contato com água doce contaminada assim o parasita penetra em sua pele e causa a doença da Esquistossomose.
Some advances of the Empire include the mathematical system of algebra, the invention of the toothbrush, the musical instrument guitar, magnifying glasses used in optics, they were the first to brew coffee, first to create the concept of a hospital and surgical practices that lead to treating ailments of the ear and esophagus.
because if you put half the amount of nicotine per cigarette they will still want to buy 2 the amount of cigarettes.
obesity leads to type two diabetes because having extra fat leads to insulin resistance which is what leads to type 2 diabetes