My life career in computer science
goku comes in and turns super sayain naruto come in with kurama and naruto get goku with a rasagen and geku is still fist fightin while naruto is using his kurama and turns into kurama and knocks out goku now naruto thinks he won and goku IS HITIN HIM WITH A KAMEKAMEHA GOKU IS SIROUS NOW
Using an electronic signature on official documentation best illustrates the process of authentication
Further explanation:
The continuous rise of Electronic signatures has made it easier for people to accept signed documents by email or through electronic devices. One good example of electronic signatures is the implementation of digital signatures which broadly encompasses many types of electronic signatures out there. Digital signatures are unique to each signer and follow a standard authentication protocol called PKI. PKI use mathematical algorithms to generate what are known as private and public keys.
A good example is Bob and Jane. Jane sends an eSignature document using her private keys. Bob receives this document with an attached copy of Jane’s public key. The signature will be considered valid if the public key decrypts the signature correctly.
Learn more about eSignatures and electronic signatures.
B - array; hash
Arrays store elements of the same data type in a list. Every element in the array is assigned a unique integer (starting at 0). You are able to access/process an element by using its assigned integer. Hashes are similar in the fact that they also store data. The difference is that each element is assigned an object type (instead of an integer), making it a collection of key pairs, as such you would typically not use this to process elements efficiently.
<span>Computers don't need system software. System software is used to automate many tasks so the user can achieve more. Actually, one of the ideas of computer programming is to avoid needless repetition. The system software will prepare the computer for the user.</span>