Calculate the weighted grade for each student that appears in the data file. You may calculate the grade based on total earned p
oints, divided by total possible points. Or, for 10 points extra credit; Use the weighted totals for this course; available in the syllabus and on the course home page. Output a list of students, their grade as a percentage and a letter grade. For simplicity; use this letter grade scale;
A = 90 >= grade <= 100
B = 80 >= grade < 90
C = 70 >= grade < 80
D = 60 >= grade < 70
E = grade < 60
The following sample output has been provided as a guide. Your solution must be based on the data in the Lab03-data.csvPreview the document file. No points will be awarded to solutions that are based on copy-pasting the sample output and printing it with awk.
Name Percent Letter
Andrew 75.21 C
Chelsey 92.21 A
Shane 77.64 C
Ava 79.76 C
Sam 62.34 D
Timekeeping has been a part of society since Ancient Egypt. The use of spring-powered mechanisms allowed clocks to be made smaller ... Essentially, the church bells and the mechanical clock now became the monitor of the working day.