El Paso–Juárez, also known as Juárez–El Paso, the Borderplex or Paso del Norte, is a binational metropolitan area, or conurbation, on the border between Mexico and the United States.
1. Son cinco para las cuatro.
2. Son las siete y diez
3. Es la una en punto.
4. Son las siete menos veinte.
5. Es la una y cuarto.
6. Son las once y veinticinco.
7. Son las diez en punto.
8. Son diez pasados la una.
9. Son las doce menos veinte.
10. Son cinco para las nueve.
hope this helps
Conduce— “he drives— perspective”
conduzca— “drive”
conduces- you drive
informla command// conduce.
A stem is the part of the verb that comes before the ending (which, in infinitive verbs, is always either ar, er, or ir). In regular conjugations, the stem doesn't change, where in irregular conjugations, it can be completely different. In stem-changing verbs, the change is in the last vowel of the stem.