The correct answer is "3".
The involvement of Native Americans was very important to the success of the war. nearly 44000 Native Americans traveled across the ocean in order to fight against the Germans, who they considered as "Evil People".
Back in the United States, Indians sold war bonds and treasury stamps on the reservations. The purchase of these bonds escalated to nearly $50 million.
The Mekong River, a critical waterway for six countries in Southeast Asia, is registering critically low water levels this summer.
The Mekong River Commission (MRC), which monitors Southeast Asia's longest river, reported in mid-July that water levels over the previous month had fallen to "among the lowest on record."
The Mekong springs up from the Tibetan Plateau in China and flows to the South China Sea through Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Around 60 million people depend on the river for fishing, farming and transportation.
However, unseasonably low rainfall, along with maintenance work at the Jinghong hydropower station in China, and tests on the Xayaburi dam in Laos, have been identified as causing a massive decline in water levels.
And although rains have recently increased, easing drought conditions and gradually raising water levels, the crisis is far from over.
In June 2019, the average rainfall level in Thailand's Chiang Saen province, for example, was only around two-thirds of the total monthly rainfall for June from 2006 to 2018. Reports have shown that the acute shortage of rainfall is due to El Nino — a meteorological phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean that affects the climate all over the Pacific basin.
Image result for La flecha en una ecuación química significa
Una reacción química se representa mediante una ecuación química: en el primer miembro aparecen las fórmulas de las sustancias que reaccionan (reactivos) y en el segundo miembro aparecen las fórmulas de las sustancias que se forman (productos), y están separados por una flecha si la reacción es irreversible.
Answer: change? Public Schools took in a huge growth spurt during the late 19th century. Many children who had never received any form of formal education began attending Public Schools. Also, many immigrants began attending public schools.