It depends on how much you have.
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That is true. People are very much influenced by what is around them and how they are raised.
Candice is at a greater risk of developing <u>depression</u>.
One of the symptoms of depression is to have a catastofic way of interpreting reality, or what happends. If she blames herself for the bad things that happen, and thinks very low of herself all the time, this affects the possibility of having emotional stability. This way of interpreting reality as so bad and negative, bringing the bad on her, is complicated because it does not allow a person to see the good things. This inhabilitates her to promote or read the aspects of life differently, and there for take differnt actions over the problems or obstacles that are always present in everyones life.
Answer with Explanation:
Peter Attia deliberately thought that people might have been fighting the wrong culprit between the two: <em>insulin resistance and obesity.</em> We've been traditionally educated that obesity causes insulin resistance. For Attia, it should probably be the other way around: <em>insulin resistance causes obesity. </em>
No matter how much people exercise and monitor their diets, many still become obese. This is because, for Attia, we've long been following and applying the wrong treatment. For him, there could be a possibility that the <em>bruise in the body is formed to protect it after it experiences an injury</em> while <em>gaining weight could be a way for people to cope problems that exists deeply in the cells.</em>