Answer: I don't think it's reasonable for one to rely wholly on it's sense alone
Explanation: Psychologist has proved that, the frequency of ones brain varies at different occasions, therefore affecting ones reasoning at that point. For instance, a drunkerd may see a drainage system and assume it to be a water bath, at that moment the frequency of the brain is high and has affected the thinking ability. When back to normal the fellow will see that his sense has deceived him. This is not applied only when drunk, it is also applied when over excited, angry, depressed or lost in mind thinking. Different occasions tends to change the frequency of our brain, which affects our thinking and reasoning at that moment.
It has happened to me, on my birthday, when I was over excited with the gifts I got from my friends, my dad called me to take his car to a filling station, and add petrol, so I can use his car to have fun with friends, out of excitement, I took my shoe in place of the car key. I noticed my sense has received me, when I entered the car to start it. At that moment the frequency of my brain has been altered because of over excitement.
Answer:1. the right to be safe
2. the right to receive compensation
3. the right to choose freely
4. the right to be heard
5. the right to be informed
6. the right to education
7. The right to service
Right to Safety
- The consumer must be protected from good that may pose threats to their life , this means safe medicines, pharmaceuticals, automobiles and foodstuffs. This are vital product in one's life hence they need to go through test to ensure safety
Right to Information
- consumers should be made aware of the quality and quantity of the products , price and other necessary information concerning that product.
Right to Choose
- consumers need to have access to various similar products and make their choice freely
Right to be compensated
- A consumer can file their complaints if they are not happy and they need to be compensated in that regard.
Right to be Heard
- The consumer must be taken serious when they send their issue to court
Right to Consumer Education
- They need to know what their rights are as they purchase certain goods
Right to service
- A customer has the right to good service .
<span>1. Being a Likeable Leader
</span><span>2. Practicing Optimism
</span><span>3. Controlling Your Ego
</span><span>4. Knowing Your Purpose
</span><span>5. Taking Responsibility</span>
Answer: Predictive validity
Explanation: Predictive validity shows the extent to which a score on a scale predicts scores on some criterion measure. For example, the validity of a cognitive test for job performance is the correlation between test scores and the performance rating of the supervisor.There are four types of validity, they are face, construct, content, and predictive validity inclusive.
Independent Variable : Memory Drug
Dependent Variable : Story Quiz Score
In studying cause effect relationship between two relationships :
The causal variable leading to change in effected Variable is the Independent Variable. The effected variable being changed due to causing variable is the Dependent Variable.
So, studying : 'Memory Drug' impact - on 'Story Retention Quiz Score' implies that Memory Drug is the Independent Variable effecting Story Quiz Score & Story Quiz is the Dependent Variable being affected by Memory Drug.