Your payment history. While other factors can effect your credit score, the most important factor is your payment history, as it shows those creditors that you are able and willing to repay your debts.
See explaination.
An algorithm is specifically defined as the step by step method or process of achieving any type of result.
Please kindly see the attached file for the C algorithm that fulfils the answer of the given problem.
<u>Pros :- Social media:</u>
- Normally using is good up to one stage where information of organization is not shared through social media.
- News day social media is used to share the common information with validation.
- In social media access by end user out of office hours.
<u>Cons:- Social media:</u>
- In an organization an important files or document or media is shared then it is danger.
- Mostly end user access the social media in office hours then growth of organization is will be affected.
- Since end user using the organization internet then cost of internet will rise.
Hie ......... . thanks for the points
Have a good day