VLSI is the process of creating an integrated circuit (IC) by combing thousands of transistors into a single chip. There are two
kinds of widely used IC technologies. One is FPGA and other is ASIC. Budget, power consumption, and speed are the common parameters considered for the selection of these technologies. Suppose, a medium volume production of an image transformation circuit is required. As a Circuit Design team lead, which one of the two IC technologies you will select considering the above given parameters for the design of production of required transformation circuit? Support your answer with valid reasons in either case.
Undoubtedly, it is the ASIC and not FPGA. The field programmable Gate Array is meant for general purposes, and ASIC is meant for Specific purposes. And here the application-specific condition holds. We need it for medium production of an image transformation, and this is like Bitcoin which is application-specific. And thus, the correct type of IC which we need in this case is the FPGA, And hence, FPGA is the correct option here.
The columns are arranged alphabetically, and the rows are ordered numerically. The cell address states the column, a letter, followed by the row, a number. The first cell address, the top-left cell of the sheet, is A1