Examples are Ctrl, Alt, Fn, Alt Gr, Shift, Caps Lock, Tab, Scroll Lock, Num lock, Esc, Windows Key, Backspace, Enter...
Hotkey commands
It would be easier and more efficient in the long run to use hotkeys.
The exercise contains 15 questions. The solution is provided for each question.
Each question contains the necessary skills you need to learn.
I have added tips and required learning resources for each question, which helps you solve the exercise. When you complete each question, you get more familiar with a control structure, loops, string, and list.
Use Online Code Editor to solve exercise questions.
Also, try to solve the basic Python Quiz for beginners
Exercise 1: Given two integer numbers return their product. If the product is greater than 1000, then return their sum
Reference article for help:
Accept user input in Python
Calculate an Average in Python
Given 1:
number1 = 20
number2 = 30
Expected Output:
The result is 600
Given 2:
number1 = 40
number2 = 30
Expected Output:
The result is 70
It is bit { measurement used to quantify computer data. }
The output of this code can be given as follows:
Here There Everywhere
But notin Texas
In the give java code a class "Questions" is defined inside this class the main method is defined in the main method we use three print function that can be described as follows:
- In the first print function, we print the message that is "Here".
- In the second and third print function, we use println that print data or message in the next line that is "There Everywhere"
and in the next line "But not" and "in Texas".