Les méthodes très efficaces, ?
As far as to my knowledge in the language of Français (french), no words go in between those to words. If you need more help you can tell me in the comment section.
Sorry if this isn't correct...
Good Luck though, if you need anymore help, you can go to this good website called Memrise.
<span>Quelle phrase est correcte?
Quand j'étais jeune, je jouais au tennis tous les étés. ***
Quelle phrase est correcte?
Hier, l'étudiant est parti pour aller à l'université. ***
Quelle phrase est correcte?
Je voyageais tous les jours.
Conjugaison du verbe "voyager" à l'imparfait :
<span>je voyageais
tu voyageais
il/ elle/ on voyageait
nous voyagions
vous voyagiez
ils / ellesvoyag<span>eaient</span>
Quelle phrase est correcte?
Le malade se sentait mal, mais maintenant ça va.
Who is the current president of France?
François Hollande
<span>How many regions does France have (including those overseas)?
12 regions in metropolitan France, plus Corsica, and five regions overseas (including Mayotte department which also has the skills of a region and the unique communities of Guyana and Martinique)</span>
From where did the French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, originate?<span>Naissance : </span><span>15 août 1769, Ajaccio
</span><span>Who is Astérix le Gaulois?
Is a fictional character the titular hero of the French comic book series The Adventures of Asterix.
Tu est la meilleure ami que j'ai jamais eu