The stems and for called bromelai vegetables brou and fruits of pineapple plants contain a group of protein-diresting enzymes co
llectively melain and often used as an anti-browninp agent for frujte and ds an anti-browning agent for fruits and vegetables, Fruits and bles brown when they are bruised during transport or sliced and exposed to air. This browning is olled by enzymatic pathways that produce brown pigments. The browning of fruits and stables reduces the nutritional value of the food, so anti-browning agents such as bromelain are controlled by enzi used. (a) Identify the type of monomer of which this enzyme is composed.
(b) Bromelain works by breaking the enzymes that cause browning into smaller molecules. Explain how the reaction that breaks up the enzymes occurs.
a .Bromelain extract is a blend of protein-processing (proteolytic) chemicals and a few different substances in littler amounts. The proteolytic catalysts are sulfhydryl proteases; a free sulfhydryl gathering of a cysteine amino corrosive side chain is required for work. the monomer of this enzyme is aminoacid.
b.Bromelain isolates the amino acids in the compounds that cause browning by breaking the peptide bonds.
We see the so called " near side " of the moon. Because the moon spins in the exact rotational period we see the same side of the moon every time we look at it .