Coupon rate = 5.07%
Yield to maturity = 4.84%
Rate = Yield/2 = 2.42%
N = 14 = 14*2 semiannually = 28 semiannually
Face value = $1000
PMT = (face value*coupon rate)/2 = $25.35
Need to find price which is PV
Using the financial calculator, PV = $1023
Number of bonds to be issued = 41,000,000/1023 = 40,078
General; limited; limited.
Limited partnerships have two classes of partners. These two (2) classes are;
1. General partner: it is a type of partnership in which two or more people come together and have an agreement to do business by sharing profits, assets, debts or financial and legal liabilities.
2. Limited partner: it is a type of partnership in which people come together and have an agreement to do business but the involved partners only contribute financially and solely responsible to the amount of money they invested.
Hence, the general partner actually runs the business and faces unlimited liability for the firm's debt, while the limited partner is only liable up to the amount the limited partner invested.
The main source of conflict that occured between the supervisors and the HR departments at Sand Corporation was the division of power that occurred between the Supervisors and the HR departments
The main source of conflict between the supervisors and the HR departments at Sand Corporation was the division of power that occurred between the Supervisors and the HR departments reason been that the supervisors feel that the power and authority that should have been with them or vested on them for hiring, compensation, appraisal, as well as training and pay increases has been appropriated and carried out by the HR departments.
WHILE the HR managers or HR departments on the other hand want to keep the authority to themselves because they believed and known that authority is a source of power.
The typical average amount purchased by those on the mailing list. On a catalog source mailing list, this could be the average order size. I’m magazine sourced mailing list, this could be of average subscription price on a nonprofit source the mailing list this could be the average donation.
The correct answer is option e.
The GDP of a country is the value of final goods and services produced in the geographical boundaries of a nation in a year. It does not include the value of intermediate goods produced. This is because it may lead to double counting. So the value of intermediate goods is included as a part of the value of the final good. It also does not include the value of services provided by homemakers.
Financial transactions such as purchase and sale of stocks and shares are not included. This is because it does not involve the production of any good or service. Sale of second-hand goods is also not included because of the problem of double counting.