The bandwagon fallacy is in the insistence that good cities are good because they have rail.
The bandwagon fallacy is where the causation of something is confused as an effect.<u> It is the argument that because all the great cities of the country have light rail, our city too should have the same light rail system to be as good as them.</u>
This argument falls apart because the rail will not curb the problems that the passage itself talks about and then willfully ignores. I<u>n fact, bringing the rail to town will actually aggravate some of the issues mentioned here</u>. Which is why the argument becomes more weak.
Ethos, the appeal to ethics
This refers to the effort to convince your audience based on credibility.
1. Ye hearers, take it of worth, old and young,
<span>And forsake Pride, for he deceiveth you in the end. - Doctor
2. </span>And save me from the fiend's boast,
That I may appear with that blessed host
<span>That shall be saved at the day of doom. - Everyman
3. </span>I perceive, here in my majesty,
How that all creatures be to me unkind,
<span>Living without dread in worldly prosperity - God
4. </span>He that loveth riches I will strike with my dart,
His sight to blind, and from heaven to depart,
<span>Except that Almsdeeds be his good friend, </span>
<span>In hell for to dwell, world without end. - Death</span>