The right answer is Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.
When more detailed information is needed, a closed-ended question is carried out. In these types of questions, the answers are usually yes or no, or a choice of pre-designed answers. These questions are normal when conducting research on population censuses or preferential statistics.
The answer is letter A. When you notice the soft sound of rain on the roof, it has crossed a perpetual line called your absolute threshold for detecting an auditory signal. Absolute threshold is the smallest energy that stimulates our human senses such as hearing, seeing, smelling, etc.
The debt in 2014 would have been $17.53 trillion
Using microbes in the field of genetic engineering (vector). Vectors mean that some microbes carry the nene of interest to target the genome. The recombinant DNA of the vector is plasmid DNA. Most of these can actually be munched bacteria that is the genetically engineered bacteria can clean up oil spills.