are you familiar will the bible quote "love your neighbor as you love yourself"
There is always a sense of safety in an environment where each and everyone looks out for each other.
individuals should be able to look out and care for each other but not to the level of meddling in each others life.
There must be a boundary that cannot be crossed by the other party.
in my opinion, individuals should be partially responsible for others in the society.
Please give more information and I’ll try to help the best I can.
I think the correct answer to the question being ask is A.
Heinz soup. These days there are many alternatives to Heinz soup.
Shell petrol. We say that petrol is overall inelastic.
Tesco bread. Tesco bread will be highly price elastic because there are many better alternatives.
Daily Express.
Kit Kat chocolate bar.
Porsche sports car.
Soft drinks. Soft drinks are not a necessity, so a big increase in price would cause people to stop buying or look for other brands.
Cereal. Like soft drinks, cereal is not a necessity and there are many different choices.
pronoun, singular nominative she,possessive her or hers,objective her;plural nominative they,possessive their or theirs,objective them.
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